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A Suit That Makes The Bearded Man

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A Suit That Makes The Bearded Man

Do you have an event coming up that requires that you wear a suit?  If so, you might be wondering how you can select a suit that will best complement your unique beard style.  Any bearded man knows that having glorious facial hair has a huge impact on his overall look and that choosing the right clothes is essential in order to balance out the appearance of a healthy beard.

Use this guide to help find a suit that perfectly matches your beard.  Whether you’re rocking a manicured goatee or a wizard beard, we’ve got you covered.

Know Your Color Choices

Before you get to anything else, it’s important to understand how color comes into play when you have a beard.  A beard makes a pretty big statement as the eyes are automatically drawn to it. Therefore, it’s extra important that you choose a suit color that doesn’t clash with the shade of your facial hair.

Men who have red beards might find that they’re a bit limited when picking out the right color.  That’s because red and yellow shades tend to clash with red hair. Blues, greens, grays and, of course, black tend to look best with red beards.

Men who have blonde beards tend to look best in lighter shades such as grays, tans and medium blues.  Men who have brunette hair are the most fortunate as they can get away with pretty much any suit color.  

Take Texture into Consideration

If you’ve ever dabbled in interior design, you know that textures matter just as much as color.  Your beard, from a design standpoint, adds a lot of texture to your overall look. That is why you don’t want to wear a suit that has a texture that clashes with your beard.  For example, rough wool materials will make you look messy rather than sharp and tidy.

Short wool, linen or even velvet can enhance your beard while making you look extremely sophisticated.  

Different Silhouettes for Different Beard Styles

The cut of your suit can make or break your overall style.  When it comes to choosing the right silhouette for your beard, you need to take your unique facial hairstyle into consideration.  For instance, extremely bushy, long beards tend to look best with thinner cuts and wider shoulders because of the contrast that this look creates.  Meanwhile, those who are rocking short beards can get away with wider cuts and trimmer shoulders.

You Can Never Go Wrong with a Classic Look

Don’t forget that there’s a reason why the classic black wool suit has never gone out of fashion.  This timeless style seems to complement every man on the planet whether he’s got an unruly beard or a completely shaven face.  If you feel a little intimidated by the massive selection of suit styles out there, go with this iconic look and you won’t have to worry about being a fashion victim.

Tidy Up Your Beard for an Important Event

Another good idea is cleaning up your beard before the event.  If you’ve been letting your beard get a little out of hand, now is the time to make things nice and tidy so that you look sharp and sophisticated.  Get a nice fade on your neck and shape up your facial hair so that it looks cleaner. Or, use the event as an opportunity to debut a completely new style.

Confidence is Key

No matter how glorious your beard is and how much you paid for that suit, you won’t look your best if you’re lacking in confidence.  In order to pull off the “beard and suit” look, you need to find that inner self-confidence that can distinguish you from everyone else in the room.

Become That Sharp Dressed Bearded Man That You Were Meant to Be

By following this easy guide, you’ll have no trouble pulling off your suit while showing off your luscious beard at the same time.  It all comes down to knowing what works with your personal style and what doesn’t. And, never forget that confidence is everything.

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