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Beards – The Male “Push Up Bra”?

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Beards – The Male “Push Up Bra”?

Have you ever looked at a picture of a male celebrity after he’s grown his beard out and realized that his facial hair was a major upgrade? If so, you’ll probably love to hear about a growing trend that’s taken over Reddit. Right now, Reddit users are referring to beards as “male push up bras,” and we think that they’re really onto something. After all, there are lots of famous faces out there that are really enhanced by a nice beard.
Celebrities like Paul Giamatti, John Krasinski and Steve Carrell have all become Reddit memes illustrating the face-enhancing nature of a beard, and it’s hard to deny that the right facial hair style can be just as transformative as a well-made push up bra for women.

How Did This Start?

Sometime during the first half of this year, we were noticing that men on the subreddit “Beards” were posting before and after photos of male celebrities who grew beards and comparing this upgrade to wearing a push up bra. “Beards: The Male Push Up Bra” quickly became a community mantra as more and more users joined in on the fun, posting memes of their favorite male stars to prove that growing a beard can do wonders for their overall appearance and vibe.
As you can imagine, like most memes that began on Reddit, the trend spread like wildfire. Now, a quick Google search can provide you with loads of “male push up bra” memes, and lots of guys are actually using these memes to give them the push (no pun intended) that they needed to grow out their own facial hair.

Why a Beard and a Push Up Bra Aren’t as Different as You Think

So, is a beard really a male push up bra? We sure think so. Think about it this way: a push up bra is a quick and easy way to enhance, well, a certain aspect of the female body. It doesn’t require plastic surgery, yet it can dramatically change one’s appearance for what many believe to be the better. Similarly, a beard can transform a man’s look on a drastic level without requiring that he actually make any serious changes to his appearance, surgically speaking.
Every man has his own unique face shape. Some face shapes are considered more desirable than others, and they’re determined by the bone structure. Some men have super wide cheeks, and some have chiseled jaws. Whatever the face shape, there’s a beard style out there that will conceal what a man perceives to be flaws, while enhancing what is perceived as desirable qualities, such as high cheekbones, a masculine jaw and so on.
So, in short, yes, rocking a beard can effortlessly enhance a guy’s appearance just like a push up bra.

How to Get in on the Trend

If you want to take part in this trend, head on over to the “Beards” subreddit and join in on the fun. And, of course, you can also use this as a chance to grow out that beard that you’ve always wanted at last.

So, What Do You Think?

Are beards the male version of a push up bra? If you think so, head on over to Reddit and add to the conversation. If you would like to post your own bearded push up bra story (before and after pics), feel free to come and share them with us on Instagram or Facebook!

Or take our Beard Quiz to find out what products can help your grow your ideal "push up bra".

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